A journey that began by looking at porcelain slabs as an exciting countertop metarial choice. Through relentless aesthetic & technical resarch, probing numerous trends and culture worldwide- we at AVENTE have curated porcelain slabs collection that meet individual tastes & help the world rediscover & reimagine their worktops home.

Based out of India, AVENTE Surfaces is a strategic business division of India’s largest exporter of vertically cut natural stone slabs, thus bringing on board high knowladge on this slabs category.

Carefully-curated collection

Avante’s carefully-curated collection features 15 dazzling porcelain surface looks that draw colors, textures, and patterns from diverse metarials, genresand cultural cues. Availabe in 320×80 cm size, our 15 mm thick slabs evoke the captivating reflections & raw strength ofnatural stones, rendering the same feel without the associated drawbacks.